
Estado civil: soltero
Interesado en: mujeres, hombres
Buscando: amistad, citas, una relacion, entretenimiento
Zodiac sign: Acuario
Cumpleaños: 1958-01-22
Afiliado: 12/01/2015
Hi. I'm from Moberly Missouri. I like shooting pool and fishing among many other interests. Message me if you'd like.
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Puntos necesarios: 5
Último juego

Actividad en los juegos

Pool Live Pro

Pool Live Pro

VictoriasNúmero de juegos


Regalos: 13


Algo sobre mi

Cosas que me gustan
Here's a poem I wrote-

Let Go

In my childhood, long ago,
rocking softly, to and fro,
with gentle wind upon my face,
Oh! The swing set was my favorite place!

Beneath the huge expanse of sky,
a towering cumulus would catch my eye,
a dream I'd have, that I just might,
spread my arms, and take to flight!

Swinging forward, my heart would pump,
as I would dare, to make the jump!
Scared at first, I'd take it slow,
then at the peak, I.........let go!

Vaulting from the seat I would,
with arms outspread, hope I could,
somehow let myself take wing,
and leap beyond earth's mortal cling!

Up and up, my mind would urge,
and with one last mental surge,
find my dream of floating there,
among the clouds! On wings of air!

Swooping, soaring, I'd have such fun,
racing with the brilliant sun.
Oh! The peace and beauty of it all,
till my mind would wander, and bring a fall.

Back to earth, I'd quickly see,
my hope and dream, just could not be.
So, I'd sit and gaze aloft,
and wonder if the clouds were soft.

Years and years then swept away,
the radio on, what did he say?
Skydiving class! It's filling fast!
Oh my god! My chance at last!

The money out, the lesson learned,
that fateful day, I'd always yearned.
It's too late now! I can't say no!
"Get in the door!", and I.........let go!

A dream? A wish? Can it be real?
The peace and love that I feel?
Sailing the sky of brilliant hue,
under fabric, gold and blue?

The fear that "was" has now long passed,
and left behind some thoughts held fast.
May I now, be so bold,
and go beyond those dreams of old?

"A sport of death!" some will chant,
no..... no..... wait! They just rant,
listen here, it's "life" we all sing,
and how we've learned what it can bring!

That past the fear and beyond the pain,
there dwells such joy, and love to gain,
while others learn from life so slow,
we have learned to just.......let go!

Joe F

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