I think I am going to blame the weird way all my friends have been acting lately on the moon. Did you all see that weird moon tonight. It looked full and had some odd clouds hanging round it. There was also some really strong winds blowing. This was a serious wind I really thought it was going to blow up something, but it did not.
Back to my friends. They have been yelling and snipping at each other more the normal. I myself am not immune I too have did my share of yelling at people for stupid little things. Lets blame it on the moon, because if we do we do not need to take responsibility for our own actions. We do not need to look at our childish behavior and say to ourselves why did I do that. We can pretend the moon make us do it.
Just like now all evening it has been quiet on the street in front of my house now at nearly 1 am my idiot neighbors are starting to get loud. Blame it on the moon.