Is it possible for a guy and a girl to be good friends?
Most people see you here playing with a certain person
from the opposite sex and right away they think that you
have something with that person... In My opinion I
believe that u could have a great friendship with the
opposite sex u just have to know where Your
boundaries are.
P.S. plus is easier to make friends with guys then girls
because not to be mean or anything, but most girls up in
this site are haters.
sera posible que una chica y un chico puedan ser
buenos amigos? Muchas personas aca solo miran a
alguien jugando con alguien del sex apuesto y ya
actomaticamente piensan que uno tiene algo con esa
persona... en mi opinion yo pienso que si puede haver
unalinda amistad con alguien del sexo apuesto sin que
haigan otra clase de sentimientos mas que amistad..