For many people, God is a
frightening idea. Asking God for help doesn't seem
very comforting if we
think of Him as something outside ourselves, or capricious,
or judgmental.
But God is love and He dwells within us. We are created in His image,
mind, which means that we are extensions of His love, or Sons and Daughters of
God. . . .
Rather than accepting that we are the loving beings that He
created, we have
arrogantly thought that we could create ourselves, and then
create God.
We have made up a God in our image. Because we are angry and
we have projected those characteristics onto Him. But God
remains who He is
and always will be: He is the energy, the thought of
unconditional love.
He cannot think with anger or judgment. He is mercy and
compassion and total acceptance.
Minutos Segundos